
Brokers/Referral Agents

Are you an individual or company that has access to a big book of business? Are you currently marketing programs that require you to meet clients every day – whether that be residential or commercial?

If so, please contact us today. We offer an array of verticals and our brokers/referral agents love us for it. We understand that direct sales, or sales in general is all about selling yourself first. If you have clients that love you for you – then why not introduce them to other products and services without having to get fully trained/licensed?


The following are some examples showcasing how our services can be marketed by various professions:

Roofing Contractor

As a roofing contractor, you are in homes every day quoting customers on new roofs. You’ve established rapport, trust and have decided on product that they want – that’s why they want to do business with you. In essence, you sold yourself. We can help you leverage that bond and offer an additional array of products and services – such as home improvement renovations, our Mortgage and Loan Program, Stratus Program etc.

Commercial Telecommunications

Let’s say you have a retail client who sells mattresses and is interested in your service. Refer that client to us and we can offer them a 0% consumer based non secured financing program for their customers. That’s POS with instant adjudication. They might be in need of some rooftop unit replacements and we can lease them new units. Or, they might have just replaced rooftop units last year but would like to free up some capital for inventory purchases. We can arrange a lease buy-back and purchase those rooftop units off of the mattress company and lease them back to them with no debt on their books. They might need a low voltage lighting retrofit job and we can facilitate that, along with facilitating any government rebate submissions on their behalf. They might also need a business loan to help purchase larger volumes of inventory to allow them access to a cheaper cost per unit because they were able to buy in bulk. Now as a broker/referral agent, you just made money on that mattress company on six different verticals – instead of the one. Simply by just doing your job and being an Authorized Canadian Financial referral broker agent. You refer the client – we handle the rest!


You are a Realtor and provide realty services to residential consumers. You view multiple houses a day and talk to multiple clients every hour. As a Realtor, you can leverage your business by arranging your clients to get the best mortgage rates in the Canadian Market, we can offer pre-renovations (for example: customer needs painting, or kitchen renovations before the house is put on the market) through our sister company Canadian Comfort. Once your customer receives the keys to their new home, we can offer post renovations in order to get them the house they truly wanted!

Contact Us

Contact us today so we can get you started tomorrow!

Ottawa Head Office: 1-613-271-2962
Toll Free: 1-844-804-5720